With our Christmas theme of all things starry in mind, we interviewed Nadia Italiano, who’s a personal trainer and part-time receptionist at our Southwark club, and who’s certainly one of the rising stars in the Fitness4Less galaxy! Nadia’s worked at the gym since April 2015, having relocated from her home in Perth in Australia. The Club Manager, Simon Gibbs, is impressed with her friendly and professional approach, whether handling queries at Reception, conducting one-to-one personal training or delivering her amazing (and exhausting) classes. He says, “Nadia is a real asset to the company. She’s kind, caring and nothing is ever too much trouble for her – she’s certainly a star, as far as I’m concerned.” With this glowing endorsement, we thought members would be interested in Nadia’s replies to some of our questions about her job and her experiences in the fitness industry and beyond.

I’d say I felt my fittest when I was in Australia in the lead up to our National Basketball Games. I won every fitness test that we did along the way, particularly for endurance.

PE class was always my favourite lesson of the day in both primary and secondary school. I was always school captain every year from year 5 all the way up until I graduated at high school. I had some amazing PE teachers, especially Mr Wilkes at my high school. He always saw the potential in me and constantly encouraged and supported me, whilst I travelled around Australia competing in Women’s League Basketball. I’ve always had a ‘never give up’ attitude, but Mr Wilkes used to push me to achieve my best, whether I was competing for a triathlon, in inter-school athletic carnivals or at basketball tournaments.

The thing I love most is the fact that I’m able to help change people’s lives for the better, whether that is physically or mentally. I really love meeting so many different people along the way, and not only do they become my clients, but they also become my friends too. There’s nothing better than seeing my clients, as well as members in my classes, gaining more self-confidence and a stronger mind-set, and becoming more motivated to live a healthier and happier lifestyle. Life is about balance and always making sure you have time to work on yourself, so that positivity can reflect in your everyday life.

Actually, I had steak and macadamia nuts - good fats and protein.

I always have my Spotify on shuffle. However, when a bit of Justin Bieber comes on it always motivates me that little bit more!

I think it was helping save a man’s life when I was out celebrating my friend’s birthday. There was a group of guys in their 30’s and one of them literally just missed a step whilst he was walking and fell directly onto his head on the concrete. My instant reaction was to run over and help, which is exactly what I did. His mates were all gathered around him and were anxious and scared, as none of them knew what to do. His head was bleeding profusely and the position that they had him in meant he was choking on his own tongue. I took control and told them I knew First Aid. He was unconscious, so I followed all the correct steps needed to make him regain consciousness, whilst waiting for the ambulance. His friends were extremely grateful, and I was just glad I was able to help. I made it very clear how important it was to be able to administer first aid in an emergency and encouraged them all do First Aid training.

I am little bit of a thrill seeker and I have skydived from 14000ft and been on the longest zip line in the world!