Autumn is here and the best way to kick the new season into gear is with the healthiest version of you. Exercise does not always have to mean lonely workouts, starting on a certain day or time, it does not have to be perfect and you don't have to give yourself crippling personal bests. At Fitness4Less, we encourage you to make the gym a part of your journey and a tool you can use at any time. We have put together a few ways you can combat all the expectations and pressure around exercise that could be standing between you and a healthier life.
Switch Your Mindset Sometimes it's easy to get stuck into a certain way of doing things just because. Who says you only have to do a 30-minute routine at a certain time of day? Moving your body in any way throughout the day can also be a way to exercise. Your body will receive the same benefits without the rigidity of a certain way of doing things.
Get Rid of Rigid Structures Many of us think that if we don't pick up a strict exercise routine then we can't possibly be doing exercise the right way. This is further from the truth! While yes, some people enjoy that kind of lifestyle, some may find it kind of a chore to be that meticulous. You should always keep in mind that fitness does not always have to be planned. It could be as simple as a swim at the pool with friends, a quick dance party with your kids or choosing the stairs instead of the lift.
Variety Keeps It Fun You might think that if you attend a certain class, you HAVE to attend that class every time which is so untrue - and frankly, quite boring. To keep your muscles working in new ways and your mind stimulated, it's a good idea to experiment with new exercises, new classes and new kinds of equipment. This way you learn more about your limitations, and what you enjoy and can enable you to reach different kinds of goals.
Refine It Once you have figured out which exercises you enjoy doing, it is good to listen to your body and keep those moves in rotation. That way, when you are feeling stagnant - we all feel that way sometimes - you can then circle back to your trusty favourites which you know for a fact will make you feel great!
Be Kind To Your Body It is so easy to get in your head and compare yourself to others but in fact, by doing so you are only setting yourself back. The reality is, showing up to the gym or booking that class or rolling out your yoga mat is already something to be immensely proud of. Be gentle with yourself and grateful to your body for allowing you the ability to move and keep healthy as best you can.
With these simple tips, you will be able to look at exercise differently and take control of your health in a way that suits you. Our gym facilities along with our expert staff are ready to help you reach your goals while keeping you in total control of your routine. Keep an eye out in club for fitness challenges, new classes, health coaching, rewards hub deals and loads of activities for National Fitness Day in September!