We are always told to stay active and keep exercising but nobody speaks about the importance of rest days in your routine. It is important to add time for rest in between your regular exercise to give your body a chance to recover from the work it has done as well as so it can stay strong to prevent you from getting injured. Not taking those days to rest can lead to burnout and overtraining which can be dangerous for your body. Besides allowing your body to recover, rest days have many other benefits too.
Promotes Muscle RecoveryYour muscles work hard to keep you moving and mobile. Accompanied by exercise, the strain you put on your muscles need time to recover. While the muscles recover, they are also getting stronger so that you can go back to your routine with more power.
Prevents OvertrainingWhen you have our minds set on that one goal and you have just gotten into the motion of training, the thought of stopping can slow down your momentum and that is the last thing anybody wants, but continuously exerting your body can lead to burnout and overtraining which can lead to regression.
Gives Your Mind & Body A BreakYour daily life, work, family and keeping up with your exercise routine is tiring! Giving yourself a rest day means you can focus on yourself and give your body and mind a much-needed break.
Reduces The Chance Of InjuryIf you continue to train without allowing your body time to recover periodically, you stand a chance of seriously injuring yourself. You must keep going at a pace that your body can withstand so that it is protected and you can continue with your fitness journey.
Improves Your SleepWhen you work out, your body releases hormones that give you lots of energy. While this is great, training without rest can send your body into a hormone overdrive and can make falling asleep difficult. Rest days allow you to gain a good night's sleep and charge your batteries fully.
Active Rest Days
- Light Walking, Yoga or Swimming
- Foam Rolling
Inactive Rest Days
- Catch Up With Friends
- Pamper Day
- Relaxing Activities Like Reading
SIGNS YOU NEED A REST DAYListen to your body! If you notice an unexplained drop in performance, feel fatigue, or have muscle pains that last more than a couple of days - schedule in some well-deserved time off.
SPEAK TO AN EXPERTIf you’re not sure when to schedule in rest days or how to recover from your workouts properly – speak to one of our friendly Personal Trainers.