Over the past few weeks on our
Instagram, you might have noticed recurring faces on our video content. In case you were wondering who these awesome individuals with such valuable insights are, they are our Fitness4Less Brand Ambassadors! They are responsible for bringing you fitness tips, short workout routines and exercise expertise all while bringing the spirit of FUN!
While you might have seen him on some of our videos, we thought it was time that you got to know our first ambassador a bit better.
Meet Sam
As a former UKBBF Physic Athlete, Sam has years of experience in knowing what it takes to transform the body in a way that retains long-lasting results. From knowing how to train, building the right mindset and what to eat Sam can guide anbody to success. We asked Sam some quick-fire questions about himself and his fitness career:

Initially, I was encouraged by a friend; he kept telling me that I should go into personal training because he thought I'd make a good trainer, but I was hesitant. Then, on Christmas Day, while eating my Christmas dinner, I decided to take the plunge and started looking into courses, etc. So you can say I was inspired by necessity, or it was always meant to be.

I try to live a life of no favorites; that way, I have no attachment to anything, and when it comes to training, it means I never overdo anything or avoid any exercises. Put me anywhere and I will find away to make myself enjoy it.

Again, no favorite however, my regular is chicken and rice.

I think about how I want to feel and look when I'm 60 and beyond; this motivates me by reminding me that this is a lifelong journey.

Owning a gym.

Reading and being creative in any form.

It is difficult to have balance. I found that at each point something will need to be sacrificed; my job is to beware of my sacrifices, choose what I will sacrifice, and for how long.

Treat it like learning a new way of living that will serve you well for life, not just a summer vacation. Fitness training is a journey, and the more you are in tune with this journey, the more you will get out of it.

Whenever a client has to go, after we have built strong friendships.

I like to train in a hoodie because I can block out everything and focus on my training.

No, but a quote that has stuck with me is that everything that happens in life is a lesson or a blessing; you have to figure out which one.

You can get the results without the lifestyle.
Sam is based at our Southwark club so if you happen to run into him at the gym and have a burning fitness question, he will be HAPPY to help. You can also find him on our social media pages, visit his
website or you could follow him
@samknowsfitness on Instagram.