So, you had the new year's resolution conversation with yourself and you've decided to join or get back into the gym. That's GREAT news! You are probably at a point where you have a rough routine, you are learning to develop a routine or you have a strict routine you have been following for months.
While having a fitness routine is GREAT, tracking your progress is where the real results live. Discover the ways you can document and track your fitness journey to document your accomplishments, figure out where you need more work, and keep up your self-esteem.
Journaling The most simple way to track your progress is to keep a Fitness Journal. Jot down things like the exercises you've done in every session, the amount of reps and sets you've completed, keep a record of the weight you use when doing strength training, record the time you ran on the treadmill etc. You can also keep a record of how you feel after your workout and which exercises were easier or more challenging for you. This way you know where you are improving and where you can do better. This is a great tool to look back on after a few months to see how far you have come and to keep your momentum up.
Fitness Tracking AppsAnother way to track your fitness is to use a fitness tracker app. Technological advancement has made it possible for you to log your fitness progress at the touch of a button. Fitness watches such as the FitBit or Apple Watch allows you to track your fitness with a stylish accessory so you don't have to do any of the work. A few of our favourite apps to track fitness are:
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Take Progress PhotosFor those who are motivated by visual methods, taking pictures of your body from the front, back and sides is a good way to keep a record of your progress. Weekly or monthly photos should be taken at the same time, every time. This is because your weight can fluctuate depending on your food intake, hydration levels, hormones, stress levels, and more. You should also try wearing the same clothes to see the changes in your body's composition since your last picture was taken.
Measure YourselfBecause weight fluctuates constantly, weighing yourself might not ALWAYS give the most accurate reading when tracking your progress. You might not see the changes you want on the scale, but when you measure things like your waist, hips, thighs and arms, you may start to see how your body composition is changing due to your workouts. Measuring your body is also useful for tracking imbalances or strengths and weaknesses in different areas.
Let Your Clothes Guide YouMany people have garments that they either would like to fit into or fill out a bit more. The way your clothing fits and feels on you might be an indicator of how your body is changing. A good practice would be to pick an item of clothing that you love and use it to measure your progress.
A FriendHaving a friend or loved one to workout with is great but it's even better when you have someone that you trust to help you track your progress and hold you accountable too! A good option would be to get a
personal trainer that can help you with your fitness plan, as well as help track your progress and give you expert advice.
Tracking your fitness does not need to be complicated but it is necessary for you to gauge how near or far you are from your goals. Try these tips as you take on your fitness journey and let us know how they are working for you via our social media pages here
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