If your mind constantly shifts to worrying about the past or stressing out about the future, you can feel anxious and find it difficult to concentrate on the here and now. Mindfulness is about learning to enjoy the present moment in a kind and non-judgemental way.
If you would like to focus better on your university studies, we have listed 5 mindfulness steps you can take for a calmer experience at uni.
MeditateTaking time out to sit quietly with your eyes closed, and focusing on your breath can help to clear your mind and help increase your attention and ability to multitask.
Be Intentional During Daily Tasks Being intentional about the smaller tasks like brushing your teeth or making up your bed, can help get you into a routine of focus, compartmentalizing and following through on tasks. This is especially helpful when you need to juggle multiple assignments at once.
Spending Time In Nature Studies have shown that spending time in nature, has calming effects on the body and mind. When you feel overwhelmed on those study days, step into the garden for a few minutes to give yourself some fresh air.
Start A Gratitude JournalSometimes we forget how lucky we are when the world gets too busy. Starting a gratitude journal is a great reminder that you are doing your best and that you should be grateful and proud of how far you have come.
ExerciseSitting at your desk and studying for hours on end, can take a heavy toll on your body. Getting up and moving can help your brain function better, improve your cognitive response, and keep your flexibility and mobility in top form. You can find great on-demand workout videos in our
Virtual Studio available via our mobile App.
University can be stressful, but following simple steps that you can implement into your daily life makes for a calmer, more mindful and overall pleasant experience while you get your study on.