In today's increasingly frenetic world with long commutes, work pressures and family commitments, many women feel there's little time for relaxation, leisure pursuits and keeping fit, and it’s easy for those important fitness goals to slip to the bottom of their to-do list.
But how much time do we spend watching something fairly boring on TV, surfing the Net or checking our phones? If we could cut down on these time-wasting activities, maybe we could free up some time to invest in our own health and fitness and squeeze in some healthy physical exercise.
It is a common misconception that it's necessary to spend gruelling hours working out at the gym to keep fit. Short, sharp sessions of 20 or 30 minutes can be just as beneficial and any activity is better than nothing at all. And it’s important that women look after their health and fitness, not just for their own sakes but in consideration for those that rely on them too, including their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
So here are ten tips for fitting exercise into your busy day:-
- If the distance is not too great, ditch the car and walk or cycle to work at least two or three times a week. Of course, wear a helmet and suitable flat shoes; if necessary, you could keep a change of clothes at work, if it's a formal environment. You'll be helping the planet too.
- If you use public transport to get around, get off a few stops early and walk briskly or jog the rest of the way. You can always swap your trainers for heels when you get to work, although a summer dress worn with leather trainers is quite a trendy look at the moment.
- Do your grocery shopping on line, freeing up a bit of time for exercise.
- Get up early and fit in a 30 minute Bootcamp session at the gym, go for a quick run or take the dog for a walk.
- Try fitting in a walk or a run with your workmates during your lunch break or a quick class at your local gym.
- Always take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator.
- Teach your children that it's not necessary to use the car for short journeys. Walk them to school, to the park or to the shops, get in a bit of exercise and avoid those parking nightmares.
- Try and do those household jobs as quickly as possible and put some welly into scrubbing and vacuuming or digging the garden.
- Try to fit in a country walk, a Park Run, swim or some sport at the weekend with your partner, friends and family. If you’re a Mum, it’s a good way of entertaining the kids. A kick-around in the park will do you all far more good than a trip to the cinema – and it’s cheaper too!
- Take the advice of fitness instructor, Cristina Fragnito, and keep your workouts short but intense. As she says, “You will find it very beneficial and see results quickly. Try a class like HIIT, which can burn 400 calories in 30 minutes! You work at the highest level your body can physically manage then rest straight after for a short period and repeat the sequence. A typical HITT workout includes burpees, jumping squats, mountain climbers, sit-ups, jumping lunges and press-ups.” She suggests that you follow the following strategy, according to your fitness level and experience:
- Beginner- 30 seconds work as hard as you can, followed by a 30 second rest.
- Intermediate - 40 seconds work; 20 second rest
- Advanced- 50 seconds work; 10 second rest
Once you have mastered some of these exercises, as Cristina says, “You can do them in your garden, in your front room, at the gym, anywhere at all. And 30 minutes in a day is not much to ask, how ever busy you are. Plan it into your schedule and stay consistent. You can do it!”