"Class of 2018" Promotion - A Celebration Of Fitness Classes
To promote the huge benefits that result from working out in a group, we’re throwing down the gauntlet to challenge all our members, plus their friends and families, to try some of our fantastic range of fitness classes in our “Class of 2018” campaign, which runs from 22nd to 28th October.
As well as encouraging existing members to participate in classes, during this period anyone can try out the gym free of charge and take part in some of our fitness classes, subject to availability. Applicants should either: -
• Apply for a One-Day gym pass during the Class of 2018 week, using the code TRYUS to give them free entry to the gym that day and the chance to join in their chosen club’s activities and the special taster sessions and classes they are putting on.
• Or apply for a Five-Day gym pass, using the code TRYUS, which gives them free entry to the gym during the entire promotional period and the chance to enjoy several of the taster sessions, freebies, classes, competitions, challenges and other fun activities being organised by their local club.
!! The Class of 2018 campaign will culminate in a special discount on our range of popular gym memberships, across all the Fitness4Less clubs taking part in this promotion; this offer will be available during the last three days, from 26th to 28th October!!
Individual Fitness4Less clubs are planning their own special activities and treats to celebrate the Class of 2018 campaign, which include:
Guests are welcome to try any classes on the timetable, subject to spaces being available. With two large studios, many of the club's classes will be accessible for you to join in with across the week.
Cambridge Heath
Free refreshments will be provided for participants to enjoy after taking part in the following programme of taster classes that will be available during the week: -
Monday 22nd at 1.15pm – Full Blast
Tuesday 23rd at 1.00pm – Meta Fit
Wednesday 24th at 11.15am – Yoga
Thursday 25th at 5.15pm – Power Bar
Saturday 26th at 1.15pm - Yoga
Canning Town
Guests are welcome to try the full range of taster classes available across the week: -
Monday 22nd at 7.00am – Legs, Bums & Tums
Tues 23rd at 1.15pm - Spin
Wednesday 24th at 1.00 pm – HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).
Thursday 25th at 12.00pm - Skip and Crunch
Saturday 26th at 1.15pm – Yoga
The following classes will be available for guests to attend on a first come, first served basis:
Wednesday 24th at 6pm – 7pm - Insanity.
Thursday 25th at 6.45pm – 7.30pm - Aqua Aerobics.
Friday 26th at 6pm – 6.30pm - Spin Revolution.
Sunday 27th at 11am -11.30am - HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Circuit.
In addition throughout the week: -
• Every class teacher will pick a "star of the class" to be entered into a prize draw.
• Free fruit and water will be offered during the morning classes.
• There will be a feedback noticeboard outside the classes for people to write down what they like about particular classes.
• With participants' agreement, each teacher will video/ take photos of their class to share on social media.
New Malden
Guests are welcome to try any classes across the wide range advertised on our timetable, subject to spaces being available.
Monday 22nd at 6.00pm & 7.00pm – Disco Spin.
Also, taster session at 7.00 pm - learn the basics of Kick Boxing.
Plus Rowing challenge 1 km – all day.
Tuesday 23rd at 5.30pm – HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Time Trial.
Plus Wall Sit challenge (as long as possible) – all day.
Wednesday 24th at 6.45am – SAQ (Speed, Agility and Quickness) Drills.
Plus Press Up challenge (as many as possible in a minute) – all day.
Thursday 25th at 8pm – Ladies Only Glutes workshop 20 mins.
And at 4pm & 8pm - TRX Suspension Training taster session– learn the basics.
Friday 26th at 6.45 am – Bootcamp – Assault course time trial.
Also FREE FRUIT FRIDAY – attend the gym and receive a complimentary apple.
Saturday at 10.00am – Spin to club classics.
Sunday – work out in the gym before 12pm and receive a complimentary cup of coffee.
During classes, the instructor will choose the Member of the Class (MOC), judged on outstanding effort, helping others out, motivating other participants etc. The winner will be awarded with a certificate to acknowledge their hard work.
A multi-stage fitness test, known as the PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run) test or "beep test", used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity, will be available three times a day during the week – in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. There will be a prize for the winning man and woman.
Tuesday 23rd October at 5.30pm - special one-off High Energy Masterclass to Drum and Base music.
Liquid refreshments and energy food will be available after selected high-energy classes.
There will be a feedback board in the club, asking members to fill out a post-it note to record why they love group exercise classes.
Monday 22nd October at 6:30pm and 7:30pm – Spin classes with Miira with a prize for the “star of the class”.
Tuesday 23rd October at 12:30pm – Ladies Only Taster Circuits with Miira (30 min class) in main studio.
Wednesday 24th October at 5pm Taster Circuits on the gym floor with Paige (25 min one-off extra class) & at 7:30pm Circuits class with prize for “star of the class”.
Thursday 25th October at 7:30pm Spin class with Miira – FREE Fitness4Less fruit infused water bottles will be left on all (24) bikes.
Friday 26th October – Free Fruit Friday with a banana placed on stationary bikes for Spin class at 9:45am and given out after Intensity at 10:30am & Circuits at 11am.
Saturday 27th October at 1.00pm HIIT taster class.
Plus at 4:30pm Tabata taster class with Danny.
Sunday 28th October at 9:30am Circuits taster class with Danny.
Plus at 3.00pm HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) taster class with Jamie.
Refreshments will be available at a range of classes across the week.
A selection of taster classes will also be on offer – see below. At each of these classes the instructor will nominate a ‘star of the class’. Each star of the class will be entered into a prize draw at the end of the week with the chance to win a £50 intu gift voucher, which can be used at the winner’s favourite stores, restaurants and leisure facilities!
Monday 22nd at 12:30pm -1:00pm Box 'n' Burn with Khayyam in the studio - capacity 20.
And at 6.00pm-7.00pm Hour of Power with Jadd on the gym floor - capacity 12.
Tuesday 23rd at 6:30am-7:0am - Metafit with James in the studio - capacity 16.
Also at 9:45am -10:30am - Spin with Bianca in the studio - capacity 20.
Wednesday 24th at 12:30pm-1.00pm - X-Cube with Tom on the gym floor - capacity 12.
Also at 6.00pm-6:30pm - Legs, Bums & Tums with Tom in the studio - capacity 25.
Plus at 6:30pm-7:15pm - Kickfit with Raj in the studio - capacity 20.
Thursday 25th at 6.00pm-7:00pm - Hour of Power with Khayyam on the gym floor - capacity 12.
Also, at 6:45pm -7:15pm - Weight Loss Workout with Tom in the studio - capacity 20.
Plus, at 7:15pm- 8.00pm - Dancehall, Street & Latin dance class with Sylvia in the studio - capacity 20.
Friday 26th at 9:45am-10:30am - Spin with Bianca in the studio - capacity 20.
Saturday 27th at 10:15am-11:00am - Spin with James in the studio - capacity 20.
Sunday 28th at 12:15pm-1:00pm - Circuits with Raj in the studio - capacity 20.
Fitness4Less Worcester will putting on the following classes for guests to attend on a first come, first served basis:
Monday 22nd at 12.30 - Spin.
Tuesday 23rd at 9.15 - Aqua Zumba.
Wednesday 24th at 12.15 - Yoga.
Thursday 25th at 12.15 - Power Bar.
Sunday 26th at 10.15 - Aqua Aerobics.
We anticipate a real buzz at the clubs with all the contests, competitions, freebies and fun on offer to both members and their guests, so we hope that lots of you will accept our invitation to join in with our Class of 2018 Campaign and endorse the joys of group fitness!