Popular Myth 2 : You need to be really experienced & coordinated to participate in fitness classes
When you first join a gym, perhaps without a great deal of knowledge about exercise, you might believe that you’re too inexperienced, not fit enough or not sufficiently coordinated to join in fitness classes.
This is a common misapprehension. Classes offer a great opportunity to watch other people and learn from them and with them, and to acquire a basic knowledge about how to exercise both safely and effectively from the teacher. You’ll make mistakes, but nobody will mind, and you’ll pick up lots of tips, while having fun, making friends and getting fitter.
You won’t have to think about what exercises to do or plan them in advance, either. The teacher will have worked out the format of each class in advance, and you will find the structure helpful in making the most of your time at the gym and enjoying a really good workout. Warming up and cooling down will have been factored in too, and the teacher will show you the correct exercise techniques, so you’re less likely to injure yourself than you might be when working out on your own.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask a member of our fitness team which class would be best for you to try to start with. They will have an in-depth knowledge of each instructor’s teaching style, the content of particular classes and the range on offer. They’ll take your particular preferences or goals into account and will be able to suggest something you might enjoy. If you don’t enjoy the class, it’s not the end of the world. You can always try another different class. After all, there are lots to choose from!